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Martin Trafford Traffart. Illustration

Since qualifying in Illustration in 1995 I have worked on and off as a freelance illustrator.

Over the years I have been involved in a number of projects, I have worked extensively for the film director Jorg Buttgereit ( nekromantik/ der todesking/ schramm) producing pin up illustrations/ t shirt and vhs sleeves and more recently his Captain Berlin comic books and co-written/ illustrated "son of Nekromantik".

I set up and co ran a community arts project in the UK with Steve Try called "The doodlemanifesto"

I presented a portrait to actor Pete Postlethwaite.

I have worked as a comic book artist for youth awareness comics in the early nineties, as well as had work published in various anthologies such as the ACT comic meet's " beginnings" and "exposure" books.

I have had work exhibited in The U.K, Australia, France , Spain and the U.S

I've worked most extensively as a supporter of underground indie horror, producing many dvd covers/ posters etc for various releases such as Marian Dora's "cannibal" for Lostwitch releasing, Guy Pearce's " the rope maiden" both for Lostwitch and Caps Collective Entertainment, "found" and "headless" for Scott Schirmer and Arthur Culliper, "Halibut point" for Ron Decaro, " Flowers" and "Lung II" for Phil Stevens, anthologies such as "the carnage collection""Faces of Snuff" and "60 seconds to die" AMONGST MANY OTHERS.

I have also produced shirt designs and cd/poster art for various bands.

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